
Akashic Angel Healing Academy 

Discover your path to purpose by awakening your intuitive and healing gifts in the Akashic Records & Angels Dual-Certification Program 

Enrollment is Now Open!


About the Akashic Records & Angels...

The Akashic Records are an energetic recording of your soul’s journey over every lifetime. You can think of the Akashic Records as the library of your soul. This amazing tool can help you gain insight about your soul’s purpose in this life, discover your soul gifts, and give the guidance needed to transform your life into your wildest dreams. 

Imagine having the ability to heal any of your blocks at your fingertips! With the Akashic Angels you can! As some of the most powerful guides in your Records, the Angels see and know you on a soul level. The Angels are powerful allies to bring into the Akashic Records to take you on quantum leaps in your healing journey.

Calling all truth seekers, lightworkers, and healers...unlock the power of your soul purpose through the Akashic Records & Angels

Up until now you have been...

  • Feeling out of alignment with your life
  • Struggling to understand your soul purpose and how to fulfill it
  • Yearning to connect with your angels and guides on a deeper level 
  • Frustrated that you can't seem to awaken your untapped intuitive gifts
  • Hearing the call of your inner healer wanting to rise and awaken but not sure how to answer the call
  • Wanting to learn how to heal blocks that are holding you back from fully living your best life
  • Feeling like your own energy is causing you to be stuck, powerless, or blocked
  • Feeling the call to be in deeper service to help others on their path but are not sure how 

The truth is...

Real magic happens when you live in full alignment with your soul purpose, embrace your gifts, and release the fear and blocks that hold you back from reaching your potential.

Why? Because I have personally experienced mind-blowing shifts in my life working with the Akashic Records and Angels that transformed my pain into power.

This is why I have named this program The Akashic Angels Healing Academy or AAHA! for short. I can't even begin to tell you how many AAHA moments I have had working with the Akashic Records and Angels that have taken me quantum leaps on my journey!

Here's a little bit about my journey...

I used to struggle with feeling stuck, lost, and I had no idea how to move forward. I struggled to find purpose and meaning in my life, which eventually manifested into chronic pain, fatigue, and depression. Even though I had a lot of good people and things going on in my life, I felt like I was just getting through each day. It felt like no matter what I did to try to help myself, I wasn’t getting anywhere. 

Everything changed for me when I discovered that I could heal myself and my life with the help of the Angels and the Akashic Records. I found that working on my own personal healing, exploring my spirituality, and developing my spiritual gifts all worked hand in hand and brought quantum leaps to my healing progress and the amount of joy I experience in life.

But it wasn't always easy. I struggled getting past my biggest block to my gifts... self-doubt. Through my struggles, I found powerful practices to help me fully claim my gifts. I want to help you move past the struggle and the doubt and claim your gifts too. This is why I do what I do.

I had studied many different healing modalities, and the most powerful results I received were when I combined the wisdom of the Akashic Records and the magic of the Angels

This work (and all the AAHA! moments) changed my life, and I want you to be able to experience this too. I want to connect you to the healing and guidance of your spirit team. Together we will help you uncover your gifts, your purpose and help you step into your power as a Lightworker.



Akashic Angel Healing Academy


The world needs you to:

  • Discover and become more aligned with your soul and Lightworker purpose
  • Explore and deepen your intuitive and healing gifts
  • Be connected to the love and guidance of your spirit team to support your healing journey (and the journeys of others!)
  • Be empowered to take ownership of your healing and your life
  • Uncover the root of your blocks, patterns and pain and heal limiting beliefs that are inhibiting your soul’s freedom
  • Clear and heal blocks from your current and past lives to set you free
  • Explore and heal your relationships to ensure you have healthy boundaries that support your life
  • Heal your energy body and activate your intuitive and healing gifts on a deeper level 
  • Bring the magic of the Akashic Records and Angels to others as a certified Akashic Records reader and Angel Healer

You are here because you're READY.

Become a Certified Akashic Record Reader or Akashic Angel Healer or BOTH!! 

New this year, you can join the Akashic Angel Healing Academy for an individual certification in either Akashic Record Reading or Angel Channeling and Healing OR you can sign up for the whole Academy now and take a profound leap in your ability to channel guidance and healing energy (AND save on tuition!!)!

Enrollment to the whole Academy (Part 1 and 2) and the Akashic Records Certification (Part 1 only) is open now.

I have lowered the investment AND lengthened the program! That is a double win for you!


Join the first half of the Akashic Angel Healing Academy to:

  • Activate Your Intuitive Gifts and Overcome Blocks

  • Open and Explore Your Akashic Records

  • Discover Your Purpose and Embrace Your Lightworker Path

  • Explore Past Lives

  • Understand Limiting Beliefs, Patterns, and Fears

  • Explore Soul Relationships

  • Master Reading for Others

  • And more!

If you enroll in only the Akashic Records Certification now, you can enroll in the Akashic Angel Healing Certification at a later date but will miss your extra discounts and bonuses!


Join the second half of the Akashic Angel Healing Academy to:

  • Become an Open Channel

  • Communicate with the Akashic Angels and Channel Messages

  • Master the Art of Angel Healing

  • Intuitively View and Read the Aura and Chakras

  • Heal Limiting Beliefs, Patterns, and Fears

  • Heal Relationships and Past Lives

  • Master Angel Healing for Others 

  • And more!

Enrollment in the Akashic Angel Healing Certification only will open in Spring 2025. Enroll in the full Academy now to ensure your spot!

Here's what people are saying about this program...

"I loved Amber's Akashic Records class. I learned so much about myself using the records. Using the records has helped me understand why I have made some of my choices that I've made in this lifetime. And that has helped me to heal my inner child and forgive myself and others. The class also helped me to develop some channeling skills when reading for others.  

Amber's class material was so well organized, easy to follow and understand. Amber is a great facilitator, always ready to help and answer questions to ensure that you understand and feel comfortable with the material.

If you are interested in the Akashic Records, I highly recommend Amber's course!"

-Connie Johnson

"I took this course because I've received Akashic Record healing before and it blew me away! So I wanted to add this to my offerings for my clients. I was feeling very unsure about myself and didn't think I could actually do this work but I knew it would be valuable for my clients. After going through the course I gained the confidence that I CAN do this and help my clients. The certification requires that you read strangers and that did a lot to bolster my confidence. Amber is an amazing teacher, so kind and gentle and inspiring! I definitely recommend taking this course."

Melanie Raphael

"If you’re reading this to help yourself make a decision, yes absolutely take this class.  Amber gives you a detailed, careful and down-to earth description of grounding, centering and preparation technique, how to approach the Records as a natural ability we all have, and also warm and caring support, over the length of the course, about how to process the information.  Amber’s guidance and presence facilitates personal healing, growth, and a time-frame of understanding that is appropriate for you.  Look forward to having some fun as you discover how to hone your intuitive abilities, enjoy and better understand your second nature!"

-Janet Demeter

"When I signed up for this course, I wasn’t totally sure what to expect, but I was blown away by the tremendous amount of insight that I gained from the experience. I had been really struggling to find my soul’s purpose for YEARS. Amber provided me with the practical experience that I needed to be successful (which is something that I usually shy away from since I tend to be so up in my head!). She has a warm demeanor, and such a welcoming presence. Her guidance is always offered with kindness and presence. Now, I am someone who has a million pans in the fire and EVERYTHING has the potential to feel true to me. This is something that isn’t easy for others to gain any insight on (in fact, most people that work with me just figure that I have ADHD or am tortured by my creativity), but Amber's course was able to provide me with a bird’s-eye-view throughout time how this potential keeps showing up for me, as well as what I need to do with it to heal it. I come back to what has been revealed to me daily so that I can work with it consciously, and I’m already seeing great benefits from it.

Thank you, Amber, for your magic!"

-Toni Black

"After one of our sessions I became super interested in the Akashic Records.They seemed like a mystery to me. The way that information flowed through Amber to me was amazing. I would ask questions and Amber would channel very detailed responses for each question. I had some previous knowledge of what the Records were but as it turns out what I knew was very limited. The messages she relayed to me were so spot on and nowhere near what I was expecting or could've predicted. And of course we were able to expand on many of those topics and get into some details. I was blown away by my first Akashic Records reading and every single one I've had after that!

When I learned that Amber was teaching a class on how to access the Akashic Records, I signed up immediately. This class was amazing! Step by step guidance on how to access my Akashic Records and how to access them and read for others. The way she taught the class, Amber was very encouraging to everyone and gave us all the confidence and reassurance needed to access the Records confidently. Her love and light really shines through when she is helping others whether it is in a reading, a class or coaching."

- Dan M

"I wanted to include working with Akashic Records and Archangels during healing sessions with clients but wasn't sure how to do that. Amber has provided a really well organized path to not only learn the steps to include the Akasha and Archangels but frequent sessions with other class members to put it into practice in a space where we all felt safe to do so. It also included advanced healing techniques to customize sessions by recognizing and addressing unique needs that can come up. I have moved from curious but unsure to knowing that I can do this. I would definitely recommend Amber's classes to anyone that wants to move beyond where they are now, whether it is for their own growth or for what they can provide to their clients."

- Gail Glover


"I joined the Akashic record course to learn how to access the Akashic records for personal/client readings.  We were taught how to tap into our psychic abilities and access the records for guidance.  I used the records to learn more about my soul journey and current life purpose as an energy healer.  The guidance I have received in the course has been transformative and has given me the tools to work through life situations.  Amber provided a safe space for my classmates to learn and heal through the Akashic records.  Thank you."

- Ralph Montano

Your soul has a greater purpose for you.

You have been feeling it call and it's time to answer. 

Continuing to try to do it on your own has not been working.

Your healing journey cannot wait any longer. 


But there’s good news…

 You can connect deeper to your soul purpose and healing gifts through the Angels and Akashic Records. 


Live Classes on Zoom


Printable Guides & Workbooks

Exclusive Facebook Group 

Personalized Feedback & Support

Supported Practice Sessions

Optional Certification Available

Take a peek inside the Akashic Records Certification...


PART ONE: Akashic Records Certification

Join the first half of the Akashic Angel Healing Academy, the 4-month Akashic Records Certification, to activate your intuition, blast past your blocks, become a clear channel, and understand your divine purpose. Some of the topics will include:

Explore Your Akashic Records 

Are you ready to experience the magic of the Akashic Records? You will learn how to access the Akashic Records so you can dive in right away! You will delve into different topics such as meeting the guides of the Records, learning the pathway prayer process, and the importance of asking good questions in the Records. You will learn to feel the difference between guidance from your intuition and your loving guides of the Akashic Records.

Activate Your Intuitive Gifts and Overcome Blocks 

Ready to awaken your gifts? You will learn how you receive messages, discernment, and interpretation of hard to understand messages. Identify common blocks to developing your intuitive gifts and discover what specifically is causing you challenges so you can finally overcome your blocks!  You will explore techniques to help you silence the loud voice of your mind and drop your self-doubt so you can trust the soft voice of the Divine as well as learn safe energy practices to keep your energy body healthy.

Discover Your Soul Purpose & Embrace Your Lightworker Path

Have you ever wondered what your soul purpose is in this life? Your soul has a special purpose for you and you will start the journey to realign to your soul. You will learn about what soul purpose is, uncover some common misconceptions and what happens when you don’t fulfill your purpose in a lifetime. You will explore your Lightworker purpose to help you embrace your gifts so you can expand the light you bring into the world.

Explore Past Lives

Have you ever wanted to explore your past lives or wondered what karma you brought into this lifetime? Many people are drawn to the Akashic Records with a thirst to explore their past lives. You will understand how your past lives may be impacting you in this lifetime.  You will delve into the topics of soul age, karma, contracts, and vows as well as learn techniques to heal from the past. You will also have the opportunity to experience and learn the difference between the Akashic Records and Past Life Regressions.

Understand Limiting Beliefs, Patterns, and Fears

Do you ever feel stuck or find yourself repeating frustrating patterns in your life? Unconscious beliefs are formed from our childhood, ancestors, past lives, and more. You will understand what unconscious beliefs are, where they come from and how they are developed. You will learn how to utilize the Akashic Records to quickly get to the root of your patterns and pain. 

Explore Soul Relationships

Have you ever wondered if you have had a past life with your loved ones? Or wondered what the purpose of your more important relationships are in this lifetime? You will learn about soul groups, soul mates, twin flames and explore how past lives with your loved ones may be impacting your relationship this lifetime. 

Master Reading for Others

Do you want to learn to read the Akashic Records for others? Strong ethics in spiritual work is of the utmost importance. You will dive deep into ethics, boundaries, and message delivery techniques to keep both you and your clients safe and empowered. You will also learn how to structure powerful Akashic Records and Angel sessions.

Take a peek inside the Akashic Angel Healing Certification...


PART TWO: Akashic Angel Healing Certification

Join the second half of the Akashic Angel Healing Academy, the 4-month Akashic Angel Healing Certification, to activate your healing gifts, learn to be a clear channel of the angels, master energy healing, and learn to heal your energy, body, relationships, and more, AND bring the magic of angel healing to others! Some of the topics will include:

Become an Open Channel  

Learn about the language of energy which is the language of your Angels and guides in the Akashic Records! You will also learn about your energy body and why keeping it healthy is critical for your role as a reader and healer and explore some energy healing practices to clear blocks that are keeping you from being an open channel.

Communicate with the Akashic Angels

Have you ever wondered how to discern who you are getting a message from? You will learn how here! Get an introduction to the Akashic Angels (Archangels), how they communicate with you specifically and build powerful allyships. Learn how to interpret Angel Signs and how to channel Angel messages for yourself and others!


Master the Art of Angel Healing 

Are you ready to ignite the power of Angels in your life? You will learn the skills and techniques to facilitate transformational Akashic Angel healing sessions for yourself and others including learning skills to know which angels to work with for different healing needs, view and heal the aura and chakras, heal the physical body, and harmonize and balance the entire energy body.

Build Expertise in Reading the Energy Body

All expert healers need to understand how the energy body works and how stuck energy or imbalances can cause dis-ease in the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual bodies. Learn these important fundamentals and with the support of your Akashic Angels, learn how to view and heal the aura and chakras, cut and heal cords, and harmonize and balance the entire energy body.

Heal Limiting Beliefs, Patterns, and Fears

Not much is more frustrating than feeling stuck in repeating unhealthy patterns in your life! Unconscious beliefs are formed from our childhood, ancestors, past lives, and more. Working with the angels or Akashic Records, you will quickly get to the root of your patterns and pain. You will learn techniques to heal limiting or unconscious beliefs and free yourself from the frustrating patterns they cause in your life.

Heal Relationships and Past Lives

Have you ever wondered how you can open up your heart more to yourself and your loved ones? Or how you can clear unhelpful past life influences from this lifetime? You will learn powerful techniques with your Akashic Angels to heal your relationship with your most important relationships in this lifetime, including your relationship with yourself. You will also learn how to heal the past to heal the present by working with your angels to clear unhelpful past life energy.  

Master Angel Healing for Others

Do you want to learn to channel the angels and offer angel healing for others? Master the skills of conducting a transformational angel healing and also ensure you bring strong ethics and safe boundaries into your spiritual work. You will dive deep into ethics, boundaries, and message delivery techniques to keep both you and your clients safe and empowered. You will also learn how to structure powerful Akashic Angel sessions.

Turn Your Pain into Power...

Being able to access the Akashic Records and Angels helps you understand your soul purpose and how to heal the blocks that are in your way.

Once you have that wisdom and awareness, you can take action to move you on your path towards your purpose. 

When you are deeply connected to your soul purpose you feel the magic flow of the universe that only happens when you are in alignment. This flow includes joy, fulfillment, and ease of manifesting what you want most in life.

You are able to take quantum leaps in your personal healing with the Akashic Records because when you see your life through the lens of the Akashic Angels, you quickly get to the root of the issues that need healing in your life.

With the Akashic Angels, you can finally break free of frustrating patterns. You can drop the agony of being out of alignment and feel a deeper meaning in life. You can finally feel confident in your intuitive and healing gifts!

But you can't go at it alone.

The support you need...

You need support on your journey from a guide that understands your challenges. I struggled to tap into and feel confident in my gifts for years. If I can do this work, believe me, so can you! It is time for you to awaken your gifts!

This program is made for all levels of intuitives to excel, especially for those that feel they are in the need of a breakthrough! I created my practices based on what helped me get past the struggles that I personally experienced as well as the challenges my students have experienced. 

This certification course will leave you feeling more confident in yourself and your intuitive gifts and giving readings and healing to yourself and others.

It's Your Time to Shine!

Develop skills to feel confident in accessing your Akashic Records and Angels to read and heal yourself and others

Experience deep interpersonal growth as the Akashic Records and Angels are a powerful vehicle for healing and transformation 

Become part of a community of like-minded growth and spiritual seekers to support you on your journey

This is your invitation. Join now! 





The Akashic Angel Healing Academy

$1999 - Early Bird Rate

Regular Price $2999


This price includes... 

  • BOTH PARTS 1 & 2 OF THE ACADEMY (Full 8-months - buy together and save) 

  • Dual-Certification in both the Akashic Records & Angel Healing

  • Live Class Meetings on Zoom
  • Direct access to Amber to get all of your questions answered
  • Peer support and practice
  • Built in practice hours
  • Access to private Facebook Community
  • Resources to develop your intuitive skills
  • Angel attunements to awaken your gifts
  • Downloadable resources including manuals, guides, and meditations
  • BONUS: Access to my on-demand Reflect, Release, Renew Workshop - Experience a powerful Life Review with the Angels! A perfect way to set yourself up for success in this program!
  • BONUS: Access to my on-demand Past Life Regression course and meditation where you will gain wisdom from and heal past lives that are most impacting you in this lifetime.
  • BONUS: You will also receive a special invite to a LIVE group Manifesting in the Akashic Records workshop to amplify your manifesting with the magic of the Akashic Records.
  • BONUS: Access to 4 on-demand Angel Healing meditations and reflection guides:
    • 1. Transmuting Limiting Beliefs with Archangel Zadkiel and the Violet Flame
    • 2. Embracing Sacred Abundance with Archangel Ariel and the Spirit of the East
    • 3. Alchemize Your Energy with Archangel Metatron and the Merkaba
    • 4. Blossom into Worthiness with Archangel Jophiel and the Sacred Garden


The Early Bird rate and all these incredible bonuses are only available until October 18th! 


Payment plans available!


Pay In Full - BEST RATE

Early Bird Price: $1999

1 payment made in full. Regular price: $2999


8 Payment Plan

$275/mo (x8)

Regular Price: $399/mo (x8)


12 Payment Plan

$191/mo (x12)

Regular Price: $275/mo (x12)


Akashic Records Certification ONLY

$1111 - Early Bird Rate

Regular Price $1499


This price includes...

  • PART 1 OF THE ACADEMY (First 4 months)

  • Certification in the Akashic Records 

  • Live Class Meetings on Zoom
  • Direct access to Amber to get all of your questions answered
  • Peer support and practice
  • Built in practice hours
  • Access to private Facebook Community
  • Resources to develop your intuitive skills
  • Angel attunements to awaken your gifts
  • Downloadable resources including manuals, guides, and meditations
  • BONUS: Access to my Reflect, Release, Renew Workshop - Experience a powerful Life Review with the Angels! A perfect way to set yourself up for success in this program!


This Early Bird rate and bonus are only available until October 18th!


Payment plans available!


Pay In Full

Early Bird Price: $1111

1 payment made in full. Regular price: $1499


4-Month Payment Plan

$299/mo (x4)

Regular Price: $399/mo (x4)


Still have questions?

"Amber’s course was a wonderful journey into Accessing Reading and Exploring the Akashic records and also into the Spiritual development process itself.

Amber provided wonderful notes, meditations and development processes to follow.I learned a great deal and enjoyed her teaching style and profound knowledge and skill.

Her kindness compassion and inclusiveness are second to none.❤️

Thankyou Amber🙏🙏🙏" 

- Margi Capurso

"The Akashic Records course with Amber was a lot of fun to learn and do. I've always wanted to learn more about the records and how to use them. Amber does an amazing job putting the information into way to make learn fun and easy. Very interactive, ask questions while going through the course material and then practice sessions afterward on the information you learn about. Really fun and great course!"

- Chuck Fletcher

"The time to access the Records was right. It merged with my other gifts seamlessly in witnessing healing/messages for others. The class gives you a safe container and the ability to flow into what is your unique work."

- Lisa Jones

"I had struggled getting into my Akashic Records previously and I knew I needed to. It was the very first class I was able to connect to them and it continued from there. I also was able to get over my fear of reading for others. I responded well to Amber's teaching method. If you have thought about taking a class from Amber, do it!"

- Carol Iverson

"Not only was Amber's Akashic record class motivating and educational for me, I was able to do a lot of healing in the process.  During my spiritual journey, I have sought out multiple avenues of spiritual mediums of practice.  This class tied all those practices together for me and I am now feeling more confident in my ability to heal others.  Amber's class was a nice flow of learning on how to become a reader of Akashic records.  I was so glad that I had the opportunity to take her class."

- Joan Whiton

"Before the class I was feeling stuck and confused about my life direction and how my spiritual gifts could help me change and navigate the direction I desired in my life, especially in my career.  The change I experienced through the class was the realization of gifts I have and I am already using that I didn't know were ""gifts"". My view of myself as a lightworker really expanded.  As a result, I felt (and still feel) a new, real commitment to working with my gifts and allowing them to continue to unfold as they are and lead me to the place I can be most happiest."

- Eileen Braden

"Before I began the Akashic Record Certification course, I wasn't sure how to "listen" to/for my intuition or even what Akashic Records were. I had been told I am very intuitive, but I had no idea what that meant. I was hoping to learn what abilities I had. Amber taught me how to connect to my abilities in a simple but effective way.

As a result of going through this course, I was able to connect with my inner-knowing and have the confidence to know that what I was receiving was real, even if it didn't make sense to me. This has been a healing and learning journey that has allowed me to grow in my abilities and to quiet my ego mind while doing this.

Before I took Amber's Akashic Angel Healing Certification course, I was working with angels to do healings to to find answers. However, I was doing all the heavy lifting because I thought that was what I was supposed to be doing. After taking this course, I realize that I am the facilitator between the Archangels and my clients. Opening the Akashic Records first truly allowed more information and healing to flow for me. Once I opened the records and asked the Archangels to help, I stepped back to allow them to do what they do best. It was so freeing for me to know that I wasn't in this alone and that I could witness miracles happen. 

If you are considering learning Akashic Angel Healing, I would highly recommend taking the training from Amber Maier. She has an amazing ability to teach this in a way that allows all levels of healers to learn these lessons and integrate them into their own abilities. Thank you, Amber, for this amazing course."

- Georgia Ryle





Your Soul has been calling you. It is time to pick up the call. 

 You can connect deeper to your soul purpose and healing gifts through the Angels and Akashic Records.