Angel Magic Challenge

Bring the spark of MAGIC to your life with the Angels!

Ready to embrace the magic? Join us! Enter your name and email below. Our magic system will then send you all of the details in your email inbox!


  • Have you been feeling disconnected from the magic of your Angels and intuition?
  • Are you feeling unplugged from the purpose, beauty, and joy in your life?

In these moments, you might find yourself feeling more like the walking dead than truly alive when we lose touch with the magic that surrounds us. Our bodies moving us through all the motions of life, but not really conscious or awake to the joy and the magic that each moment has to offer.

Do you feel like you have lost that spark of joy and purpose in your life? 

It happens to the best of us. But what if I told you that your Angels are ready to guide you back to a life filled with magic? 

The good news is, your Angels are ready to reignite that magic spark within you and guide you to live more consciously, finding joy and purpose in every moment.


I want you to experience the absolute MAGIC that working with the Angels can bring to your life!

If you are ready to work with the Angels to rediscover the art of fully living and to reawaken to the beauty of your life, you won’t want to miss this opportunity!

This is why I would like to invite you to the

FREE 5-Day

Angel Magic Challenge


Ready to embrace the magic? The Challenge starts the day after you register. Secure your spot in the 5-Day Angel Magic Challenge and get ready for a week of self-discovery and enchantment!

🔮 What to Expect:


Deep Connection: Dive into a profound connection with your Angels and spiritual guides.

Magic Unveiled: Awaken to the magic and beauty that exists in every aspect of your life.

Daily Joy: Cultivate more peace, joy, and gratitude as you move through each day.

Conscious Living: Learn to consciously create a life that aligns with your dreams.


Here's what people are saying about the Angel Magic Challenge:


“I am grateful beyond words for this five day challenge, the one take away I have is that Angels=magic! Thank you so very much Amber!” – Eileen


“Thank you for the 5 day challenge. It was great! I realized that I still have some fear around investing money in myself and my business. I loved the words, "face your fear and do it anyway!" I try to remember this. Again Amber, thank you, this was 5 days of inspiration.” -Jane


“I was reminded that joy is a force, powerful as rapids and as warm as a sunbeam. Riding the currents of joy is like soaring on the backs of the eagle and hawk. It moves me, with little effort other than trust. What a powerful and beautiful session.” – Cami


“Amber... your voice & spirit is so light & uplifting...thank you for sharing your gift! I always feel so good after a grounding.... & this one too left me with calming & peace! 🤗💖💕” – Debbie


“It was a very calming experience. I felt grounded and very relaxed. My heart felt light, like my troubles were lifted.” – Alice 


“Thank you Amber, for such an incredible event and blessing so many with your magic!” – Jen

Here's what's in store:

  • Day One- Clear Your Energy with Archangel Michael

    Join Archangel Michael and a special ally to receive the gift of clearing the energy that is stuck in and around our bodies. We start here on our journey to bring you back to life because a big factor in the magic we receive is our connection to our bodies. 

  • Day Two- Connect to The Magic of Your Body with Archangel Raziel

    Join Archangel Raziel and a powerful ally to receive the gift of reconnecting to your body now that you have released the energy that was keeping you from this beautiful connection!

  • Day Three- Discover Divine Connection Through Peace

    Join Archangel Chamuel and a beautiful ally to connect you to your inner peace and the gift of stillness and presence.

  • Day Four- Create a Lens of Love

    Join Archangel Jophiel and an incredibly wise ally to help you see yourself and your life through a beautiful new lens!

  • Day Five- Weave a Magical Life

    Join Archangel Ariel and her mighty ally to help you create the life of your dreams!

Each day you will be sent an audio Angel Healing meditation, along with instructions to help you get the most out of your experience with the Angels. 
As we embark on this journey together, we'll be sharing our experiences and supporting each other in the Awakened & Aligned Community on Facebook. Join us for a vibrant and uplifting community!

Hi. I'm Amber.

I believe magic happens when you live in full alignment with your soul purpose, embrace your gifts, and let go of the fear and blocks that hold you back from fully reaching your potential! I am a healer and soul coach who is passionate about helping lightworkers like you to fully step into your power and achieve your wildest dreams.

As a lightworker myself, I know what it's like to have a sense that there is a deeper, more meaningful purpose to this life. After experiencing my own soul awakening process, I have discovered that I have an incredibly important soul purpose.

And so do you.

But here's the deal...not very many people know what their purpose is, and this often leads to a sense of utter discontent, or feeling blocked. I totally get it. The reality of going through life without adequately serving one's soul purpose leads to a sense of existential dread.

I have found that so many lightworkers just like you often need a little boost to claim the gifts that you were naturally born with. Often, you're not even aware that you HAVE these gifts to begin with. The thing is, being able to masterfully use these gifts serves to satisfy your soul purpose.

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This 5-Day Angel Magic Challenge is designed to help you explore working with the Angels to bring magic back into your life!
If you have been feeling a bit too much like the walking dead, this challenge is for you!

Ready to embrace the magic? Join us! Enter your name and email below. Our magic system will then send you all of the details in your email inbox!